The Sewer Process  Professionals

The people behind The WATS Guys have worked on sewer process, odor, corrosion, and ventilation for decades. Jes Vollertsen is professor of environmental engineering, one of the fathers of modern sewer process modelling, and a world-leading expert on sewer processes. He also has conducted a number of field and lab studies to quantify sewer ventilation processes. He developed the Mega-WATS sewer process model, which integrates all the latest knowledge on sewer processes – including  a state-of-the-art sewer ventilation module – into an operational sewer processes simulation tool.

Matthew Ward is a senior wastewater odor control and sewer process expert and has developed the world’s first operational sewer ventilation module based on the approach of conservation of momentum. This ventilation model is now included in Mega-WATS. Matthew Ward has conducted a large number of studies on sewer ventilation, corrosion, and odor all over the world. He has authored several scientific publications on sewer ventilation, given many presentations for professionals and scientists in the field.